Oh yes, we are not bluffing. Using a natural shower puff is the way to attain nice skin.
A natural shower puff paired with a moisturizer will give you the smoothest skin yet.
Nevertheless, on its own, shower puffs can be the secret behind your skincare regimen.
Are you intrigued yet? Keep reading; you’ll find out so many things about shower puffs that will blow your mind.
But first of all, let’s find out more about natural shower puffs. What are they? And how does it work?

What Are Shower Puffs?
A shower puff, also called loofah, is a net-like material used for washing your body during a shower.
But our focus is on natural shower puffs. It is different from the conventional shower puff made of synthetic materials.
A natural shower puff is made of plant-based material. It is made from gourd-like tropical fruits that have a sponge-like texture when they are mature. The sponge-like material is what is used as a bath sponge and it comes in different shapes and sizes.
It is called a shower puff because it has a sponge-like, fibrous texture, giving it the ability to be light and soft on the skin when soaked in water.
Because of this, it is the best for exfoliating the skin, which will keep it smooth and silky.
How Natural Shower Puff Works
It works best when it is wet. The makeup of the shower puff makes it eco-friendly and suitable for the skin.
When it is wet, it can absorb your soap or body wash such that a small amount will produce a rich lather that will be sufficient for scrubbing.
After the lather is formed, the fibrous texture of the shower puff helps to scrub the skin to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells and other skin bacteria.
Best Natural Shower Puffs
The best natural shower puff to buy is one that is 100% natural and organic. This means that it is not made of polyester, nylon, or any other synthetic material.
This is because, at the end of the day, you want something that would be suitable for any skin type and you can only get that from sponges that are made from 100% natural materials.
How to Use Natural Shower Puffs for Ideal Results
Just like any product, there are ways to use your shower puff to get the best skin texture you desire.
- Ensure you get loofahs, i.e., natural shower puffs and not plastic shower puffs, as the former is better for the skin.
- Wet your puff: Before you apply your bath wash or soap, soak the puff in running water. If you want it to get soft quickly, wet the puff with warm water instead.
- Apply soap to the shower puff: When the puff is wet, apply soap or your bath wash to the surface of the puff. Squeeze and release to make the lather rich and circulate through the puff. Note: You don’t need a lot of soap to make the lather form; a small quantity will do the job.
- Scrub gently: Use your natural shower puff to scrub your body in circular motions instead of the up-and-down motions you normally employ. This will help remove dead skin cells from your skin faster and in a more gentle way.
- Focus the scrub on areas like the knee and elbow that are rough and scrub gently on areas like your armpit.
- Rinse thoroughly: After scrubbing, rinse your body and shower well with clean water. This will close up the pores of your skin that were open as a result of the scrubbing and leave you feeling fresh and new.
- Leave the puff to dry: After rinsing the puff, wring out the water and leave it to dry in an airy place. This will help maintain and keep your shower puffs in good condition, free of bacteria that are attracted to moisture.
You can also sanitize your natural shower puff once a week by rinsing it in hot water to kill hidden bacteria that linger even after being rinsed with normal water.
With your natural shower puff in a suitable state for bathing, you will in no distant time have a smooth and sleek skin texture that you flaunt and be proud of.
Because the loofah will begin to fall apart after one month of consistent use and deep cleaning with hot water, ensure that it is changed to maintain your smooth and wealthy body texture.

Natural shower puff reviews
The natural shower puff is a favourite for anyone in search of a great scrub. Many customers across the UK enjoy this natural shower puff.
It differs from other synthetic sponge variants in that it is skin-friendly and produced with ramie fibre.
It is long-lasting, highly resistant to bacteria and is great for eradicating all forms of dead skin cells, providing gentle exfoliation.
Customers across the UK have explained that Boo La‘s natural shower puff produces a lovely effect, particularly when used with a bar of hemp soap.
A natural shower puff is your key to having smooth and silky skin. It is soft when wet and helps to exfoliate the skin, opening the pores and removing dead skin cells, which will result in the growth of new skin cells that will make your skin smooth.
When you apply the steps on how to use and care for your puff, you will have a smooth skin texture in no time.